If you are looking to increase your car insurance cover, you can choose to get a car insurance add-on. Car insurance add-ons in Malaysia extend your basic car insurance to provide cover against additional risks, such as windshield damage or theft of accessories.
In Malaysia, there are a few different car insurance add-ons that you can choose from. To help you pick the right add-ons to your car insurance, we have listed each add-on with a detailed explanation. Not sure what you are getting into? Find out how car insurance works.
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1. Protect yourself against windshield damage
You can enhance your car insurance with an addition that covers you against windshield damage. Windshield insurance premium is calculated based on the value of your windshield. The windshield premium is always 15% of your windshield value. That means that if your windshield is worth RM 2,000, your insurance premium will be RM 300.
Since windshield damage is something that can easily occur without your fault, you will not lose your No Claim Discount (NCD) if you claim windshield insurance. Even though the windshield cover is a useful add-on to have, the 15% is pretty high compared to your standard car insurance. Also good to know is that the cover only counts for one claim, so if you claim your windshield add-on once, you will have to repurchase the cover and pay a new premium to remain covered against windshield damage.
2. Cover your car accessories against theft
If you have a third party, theft and fire coverage, your vehicle itself is already insured against theft, but the accessories in your car are not covered by this insurance. With the Car Accessories add-on, you can extend your cover to include your car accessories. This includes radios, navigation systems, chrome rims and anything that can be considered a car accessory.
Keep in mind that this addition only applies to car accessories. If you leave your wallet in your car and it gets stolen, then this add-on does not apply because your wallet is not a car accessory.
This plan also covers you if your car accessories are damaged during an accident or an attempted burglary. Stolen tires are not covered under this plan.
The additional premium for this coverage is about 15% of the value of the accessories. Find out how to calculate your car insurance premium.
3. Add special perils cover to your car insurance
Although not as widely applicable as the first two, the Special Perils Covers can save you a lot of money. By getting this additional insurance cover, you will be insured against damages due to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, sinkholes, landslides and floods etc. The additional cost for this cover is around 0.5% of your sum insured.
Since this add-on only activates in very unlikely events, the premium is very low. If you live in an area that has a relatively high amount of floods, you could consider this plan, just to be sure. Other than that, this add-on will likely not see much use.
4. Be safe against strikes, riots and civil commotion
This insurance plan covers you against damages to your vehicle due to strikes, riots and civil commotions. You won’t see a lot of use for this add-on in Malaysia, but the insurance premium is very low at 0.3% of the sum insured.
5. Extend your cover to a named driver
A “Named Driver” is someone who can drive the insured car or motorcycle with the owner’s permission and be covered by the insurance with the same privileges as the owner. In Malaysia, you can put two drivers into your motor policy for free. Any additional driver will cost an additional RM 10.
This is a relatively inexpensive insurance add-on to get. If an accident happens with an unnamed driver behind the wheel, insurance companies will reduce your payout by RM 300. So if you regularly let other people drive your car, this add-on would be a smart choice.
6. Cover all your bases with All Driver Coverage
This extension gives you additional cover for any other drivers that might use the car. This is especially useful for vehicles registered under a company or cars that are shared. The extra cover allows all drivers to enjoy the full insurance cover of the plan.
The additional premium for this extension is RM 50 per vehicle.
7. Limit your Legal Liability
There are two types of legal liability cover for car Insurance in Malaysia. Both policies are not mandatory in Malaysia, but when you plan to travel in your car into Singapore, it is mandatory to have those two covers in your motor policy. Also, if you are earning extra money as an UBER or Grab driver, this is an extremely useful policy to get. Check out the best car insurance for taxi drivers to find out more.
a) Legal liability of Passenger – Cover for bodily injury caused by your passengers
Imagine you are driving your car with your friend. Your friend decides to throw a bottle out the window, for whatever reason. The bottle hits a guy just walking by, he falls and has a bleeding head wound. If this scenario happened, you could be sued for causing injury to others because the bottle came from your car. With the Legal liability of Passengers you will be insured against cases like these, i.e. if you get sued for personal injury.
The additional premium for this cover is RM 7.50 per car.
b) Legal liability to Passengers – Protection against legal action brought against you by your passengers
This cover will insure you in case you are being sued by your passengers for negligence. For example, if you cause an accident and your passengers are injured. If they are convinced that the accident was caused by your negligence, they might sue you for it. This add-on will compensate you for the financial loss you might incur from such events.
The premium for this cover is 25% of Third Party premium.
8. Compensation for Assesses Repair Time (CART)
This add-on will compensate you for the estimated number of days it takes to have your car repaired. If you have been in an accident, your car could be in the shop for a few days. By getting this add-on, you will receive a compensation that allows you to pay for a rental car. If you have no financial buffer, this cover could be the only way you could afford a rental car while your car is in the shop. To claim this add-on you can only rent cars from licensed car rental agencies with a proof of receipt. The cost of this add-on varies across insurers. Some insurers might even give you free access to a rental car in these cases.
This list is supposed to give you a comprehensive overview of the different car insurance add-ons and extensions that are available to you. Each one comes with its pros and cons. It is largely up to you to see if you driving style warrants any of these add-ons. Check out our free comparison tool to find a loan to finance your new car purchase.
Related: 5 Types Of Car Insurance Add-ons (& Whether Or Not They’re Worth Getting)