I’ll Be Fine - Famous Last Words Said About Travel Insurance & Where You Can Sign Up For One!

Fatin Haris

Fatin Haris

Last updated 23 August, 2023


Travel insurance is a type of insurance that covers you for unexpected events that may occur during your trip, such as trip cancellation, lost luggage, medical expenses, and more. It is not a requirement for travel, but it is highly recommended, especially for international travel.

Reasons you need  travel insurance

This could happen to you…

  • Trip cancellation or interruption
    If you have to cancel your trip due to illness, a natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances, travel insurance can help you get a refund for your non-refundable expenses. It can also help you cover the cost of rebooking your trip.
  • Medical expenses
    If you get sick or injured while you are traveling, travel insurance can help you pay for medical expenses, such as doctor's visits, hospital stays, and prescription medicines. It can also help you cover the cost of medical evacuation, if necessary.
  • Lost luggage
    If your luggage is lost or stolen while you are traveling, travel insurance can help you replace your belongings.
  • Delays
    If your flight is delayed or cancelled, travel insurance can help you cover the cost of meals, accommodation, and other expenses while you are waiting to travel.
  • Emergency assistance
    Travel insurance can also provide you with emergency assistance, such as help with finding a lost passport or getting legal assistance.


How much does travel insurance cost?

Next to nothing if you think of the benefits…

The cost of travel insurance varies depending on the length and destination of your trip, your age, and your health. You can get quotes from different insurance companies to find the best deal.

If you are planning to travel, it is important to consider getting travel insurance. It can give you peace of mind and help you protect yourself financially in case of an unexpected event.

Here’s how you choose travel insurance

  • Read the policy carefully to understand what is covered and what is not.
  • Make sure the policy covers the activities you plan to do on your trip.
  • Consider getting coverage for a higher level of medical expenses, especially if you are traveling to an unknown country.
  • Compare quotes from different insurance companies via CompareHero to find the best deal.
  • Purchase travel insurance as soon as you book your trip as some policies have a waiting period, which means that you may not be covered for events that happen before the policy takes effect.

CompareHero Suggests: Allianz Travel Care 

Allianz Travel Care is a popular travel insurance provider that offers a variety of policies to fit your needs. The policy is a good option for most travelers as it includes:

  • Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement
    Allianz Travel Care insurance covers accidental death and permanent disablement that happens during your travelling period.
  • Medical Expenses & Other Expenses
    You will be reimbursed the actual necessary and reasonable medical, surgical or hospital charges and emergency dental treatment charges incurred as a result of accidental bodily injuries or death, or illness during your travel with Allianz Travel Care insurance.
  • Travel Coverage
    Allianz travel insurance also Includes coverage for luggage delay, travel delay, loss or damage to travel documents, personal luggage and personal valuables and many more.

Any upcoming travel plans? Now is the perfect time to get Allianz Travel Care Insurance as you can enjoy a special 20% discount by using the promo code "MATTA20%" during the checkout process, here



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