It's Good To Be A Selangorian! Team Team

Last updated 16 January, 2020

(Updated 23rd September 2019)

Cozy neighborhood, amenities within a stone's throw are just two things to describe Selangor. What if I told your there's 13 more!

Lets dive straight into some of the perks being a Selangorian. These benefits all come under the Inisiatif Peduli Rakyat (IPR) scheme. Programs under the IPR was developed by Pakatan Harapan 10 years ago and its primary focus was to enrich the people of Selangor through various benefits. IPR mostly gets its funding by the revenues of the state.


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1. Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS)

The mechanism for this fund is quite simple. Register your child for TAWAS and he or she will receive RM1,500 upon reaching the age of 15. Below are some criteria s that need to be fulfilled.

1st Condition

- Applicant must be a Malaysian citizen who was born in Selangor on/after 1 January 2008, and;
- Has not reached the age of three, and;
- Either one of the applicant's parent was born in Selangor, or in Kuala Lumpur before 1 February 1974.

2nd Condition

- Applicant must be a Malaysian citizen and was born in Selangor on/after 1 January 2008, and;
- Has not reached the age of age, and;
- Applicant's parents were not born in Selangor but have resided in the state for at least five years, and;
- Applicant's parents' residential status must be verified by one of these organizations/people.

3rd Condition:

- Applicant must a Malaysian citizen, and;
- Was born in Selangor or any of the states bordering Selangor (Negeri Sembilan, Perak, or Kuala Lumpur) after 1 January 2008.
- Has not reached the age of three, and;
- Applicant's parents were born in either one of the bordering states and their residential status must be verified by one these people.

Source: TV Selangor

2. Tabung Pendidikan Anak Kerja Ladang

As its name suggests, this program is catered to help the children of farmworkers in Selangor with financial aid for their education expenses with the hope that with the assistance, students will be able to improve their education and/or technical skills.

Here are some of the criteria applicants must fulfill to be eligible for this scheme:

- Either one of the applicant's parent is a farmworker and was born in Selangor, or has lived in Selangor for at least five years, and;
- The monthly household income of the applicant's parents is less than RM1,500.

Source :

3. Program Tuisyen Rakyat

These are special classes for students who are struggling academically and whos parents don't have that extra money to pay for tuition. Only students from households in Selangor with a monthly income of RM2,000 and below are eligible for this scheme.Classes include :

- Bahasa Melayu
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- History

Source : IPR Selangor - Kerajaan Negeri Selangor

4. Skim Bantuan Asuhan Rakyat (SIKEMBAR)

This is focused on parents who have toddlers aged four and below that attend nursery or daycare centres registered under the Welfare Department. With this scheme, parents who are eligible for it will receive RM100 per month to cover the fees of nursery/daycare centers for their children.

Here some of the terms of conditions for this scheme:

- Applicants must be citizens of Malaysia, and;
- Either one of the parent of the child was born in Selangor and resides in Selangor, or;
- The child was born or resides in Selangor, or;
- Either one of the child's parent has been living in Selangor for at least five years.
- The parents' monthly household income must be no more than RM2,500 with one child under their care, or;
- RM3,000 and below with two children under their care.
- Both the husband and wife are working.
- The scheme is limited to two children under the age of four per household.

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5. Skim Bantuan Tadika Selangor (TUNAS)

Quite Similar to SIKEMBAR, TUNAS helps parents who have kindergarten going kids. Through this scheme, parents will receive RM50 every month. The money will be transferred directly to the kindergartens registered under Majlis Permuafakatan Tadika Selangor.

Here are some of the terms and conditions for this scheme:

- Applicant must be a Malaysian citizen, and;
- One of the child's parent was born in Selangor or currently resides in Selangor, or;
- The child was born in Selangor or currently resides in Selangor, or;
- The child's parents have lived in Selangor for at least five years.
- The monthly household income of the family must be RM2,500 and below.
- The child must be either five or six years old.

Source : MyUITM

6. Tabung Kumpulan Wang Biasiswa

These are basically scholarships for students in Selangor that wish to pursue their tertiary education at selected universities in the country.

Here are some of the terms and conditions for this scheme:

- Applicant was born in Selangor, or;
- Either one of the applicant's parent was born in Selangor, or;
- The applicant has been living in Selangor for more than five years.

The scholarship is only for students with a full-time offer at the selected universities. Priority will be given to students that have high academic qualifications.


7. Hadiah Pengajian IPT

Students who are Selangor citizens and come from families with a monthly household income of RM3,000 and below will receive a sum of RM1,000 for their tertiary education expenses.

Here are some of the terms and conditions for this scheme:

- Applicant must be a Malaysian citizen, and;
- Applicant were born in Selangor, or;
- Either one of the applicant's parent was born in Selangor.
- Applicant has a full-time offer to study diploma or a bachelor's degree at any of the government-recognised private or public institutions.
- The monthly household income of the applicant's parents must be RM3,000 and below.


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8. Skim Peduli Sihat

For Households with an income of not more than RM3,000.00 per month, Skim Peduli Sihat provides up to RM500.00 for medical expenses.

Applicants must have been born in Selangor or have been living in the state for more than 10 years to be eligible for this scheme that has 1,000 participating clinics in Selangor and Klang Valley.

Successful applicants will receive a 'Peduli Sihat' health card that entitles the cardholder and his/her wife and two children below the age of 21 to receive treatment from the registered clinics.

There are two categories for the 'Peduli Sihat' scheme, namely:

1. A

- For husband, wife, and two children below the age of 21.
- The monthly household income must be no more than RM3,000.

2. B

- Individuals above the age of 21.
- Monthly individual income of no more than RM1,500.

Source : IPR Selangor - Kerajaan Negeri Selangor

9. Skim Kesihatan Wanita

The Selangor government offers free mammogram screenings for women in Selangor above the age of 35. They've run a number of campaigns under this scheme that offered the free mammogram screenings.


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10. Skim Hijrah (SKIMSEL + MIMBAR)

Hijrah Selangor offers microcredit business loans, combining Program Mikrokredit Miskin Bandar (MIMBAR), Skim Mikrokredit Wanita Ladang (WALA), and Skim Mikro Kredit Selangor (SKIMSEL) to help small business owners in Selangor.

Here are some of the terms and conditions for this scheme:

- Applicant must be a Malaysian between the age of 18 and 60, and;
- Owns a business, and;
- Has a business operating license, and;
- Does not have a bad credit history from any financial institutions.


Source : Selangorkini

11. Khidmat Bas Selangorku Percuma

FREE BUS SERVICE! is basically what it is. Launched in 2015 this service covers three major areas in Selangor namely:

- Shah Alam
- Subang Jaya
- Klang

Click here to get the full information and routes available.


Source : Lima

12. Rumah Selangorku

What's my Selangorku house?

This Selangorku House is a low-cost and affordable house offered by the Selangor State Government.

This house is a government initiative to ensure Selangor residents can buy houses through the aspiration of 'One Family A Perfect Home'.

Malaysian citizens aged 18 years and above
Minimum income for Temporary House Type B, C and D applications is set at RM3001.00 per month.
Maximum household income is RM8,000.00 per month.
The applicant (spouse) does not have any kind of residential property in Selangor.
Single applicants with family dependents may apply; and
Purchase a house for occupancy and not for rent.
The applicant is only allowed to make a choice of 1 type of house only whether type A, B, C, or D when applying.


Source : Portal Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan

13. Wi-Fi #SmartSelangor Percuma

The Selangor state government started the SmartSelangor Wi-Fi initiative, providing free Internet access for its people at around 300 spots.

The state government is currently working on increasing the number of hotspots in the state, especially in areas concentrated with people from the lower-income group.

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