6 Ways To Be A Successful Seller on Mudah.my

CompareHero.my Team

CompareHero.my Team

Last updated 01 March, 2019


Have you ever wanted to make money with your online business and be a successful seller on Mudah.my? Here are some of the best insider tips from the Mudah.my team that you can’t afford to miss – check out these 6 easy ways you can achieve success on Mudah.my!

Make Your Store Stand Out From The Crowd

Mudah.my receives thousands of ads per day and it can get really competitive to ensure your ad is seen by potential customers. One of the best ways to help you stand out from the thousands of sellers on the website is to utilise the PRO Niaga option. It’s like having your own online store on Mudah.my, as you will get your own personalised URL and it’s completely FREE for you to create a PRO Niaga account!

Once you’ve set up your PRO Niaga account, don’t stop there! If you have some extra budget for it, sign up for some of Mudah.my’s premium services. There are a number of premium services available, from Bump Your Ad, Mark Ad As Urgent, Featured ad and Premium Listing.

Do take note that while it is free to post ads for most categories for PRO Niaga, but there will be listing fee to post ads on properties, vehicles, electronic and job ads.

What Are The Advantages of PRO Niaga?

  • Enjoy a simple platform to set up your own online shop instantly.
  • Organise and manage the products you sell on Mudah.my with ease.
  • Greater convenience for your regular customers who can visit your store at any time.
  • Get discounts on Mudah credits that can be used to pay for premium services.

Get Your Ads Featured For Free

Want to get more exposure for the items you’re selling on Mudah.my? Learn how to optimise your ads to get them featured on Mudah.my’s #DealOfTheWeek and #DealOfTheDay. Both of these deals are featured across all of Mudah.my’s social media platforms. This is basically Mudah.my’s way of offering you ‘free advertising’ to their 1.9 million followers on Facebook and 49.1k followers on Instagram, so imagine the amount of exposure your ads will get!


How Do I Get Featured On Mudah.my’s #DealOfTheWeek or the #DealOfTheDay?

Grace from Mudah.my oversees the selection process for #DealOfTheWeek and #DealOfTheDay and shared her basic checklist for good product ads that are more likely to get featured. Check out the list she gave below:

  • The product’s price should be relatively competitive compared to the market price
  • The product is a unique item and is attention-grabbing.
  • The product should be in good condition and offer great value for money.
  • The product categories that are most often featured include hobby & collectibles, home appliances, luxury watches and shoes.
  • The product should be relevant to the latest market trends, e.g. iPhone 6S, hover boards and etc.

Don’t Break The Rules

Breaking the rules of Mudah.my is not cool, and your business will lose out in the long run! In order to make sure your ads are approved and are not taken down; make sure you play by the rules of advertising as set by Mudah.my.

Do your homework and find out about the goods and services which are prohibited on Mudah.my. Among the items prohibited are E-cigarettes, alcohol, and adult sex toys. For the full list of prohibited good and services, click here.

“Some people think that anything can be sold on Mudah.my, but we actually have our guidelines So the rules of advertising is the basic study that sellers need to do before they start trading on Mudah.my. ” shared Zul, the Content Manager of Mudah.my

Zul went on to describe how the team handles these cases, “These are genuine sellers trying to earn money and set up business. We take a softer approach and explain to them why it won’t work and we tell them to remove the fake items.”

Mudah.my takes safety for both their sellers and buyers seriously. So as a precautionary measure, they may block your ad. This usually happens if the price and the product do not add up or make sense. This is also to stop cheats as well as to stop the trading of illegal goods such as counterfeit products on their platform.

Timing Means Everything

Just like how most brands choose to fork out millions to advertise during primetime because that’s when the most people are tuned in – you too can adopt a similar strategy and post your ads (for free!) on Mudah.my during certain hours in the day.  Zul let us in on the secret to finding the three most strategic times to post your ad:

  • Between 7:00am – 9:00am
  • 12:00pm – 2:00pm
  • 6:00pm onwards (weekdays)

These are the times where Mudah.my sees high traffic to their website. So what you need to do is be prepared to post your ad during those times. Get your images and product description ready beforehand so you won’t waste the opportunity to reach more potential customers!


Keep Up With The Market’s Trends

Always keep an eye out for the latest trends as well as any festivities before you plan what and when you want to post an ad for your online business. Different time periods will always have different opportunities, so pay close attention and be ready to tap into the market! You might even find yourself a loyal following amongst your customers every time the same season rolls around. (Remember those Yusuf Taiyoob radio ads?)

Grace shares that the online marketplace on Mudah.my has a wide variety of offerings, so you can expect to find shoes, coffee machine, even kuih being traded on the website. And according to Zul, that while their current audience is more male-centric, Mudah.my is looking into striking the right balance in order to cater and capture the female demographic as well.

As a bonus tip, Zul explained how their data shows ad for pre-loved items receive more contacts from buyers than brand new items. If you have a ton of memorabilia or old things that are sitting at home collecting dust, try selling it on Mudah.my!


Say It Right

To get the most visibility for your ads you must make sure your word it right. You can include links in the product description but the links must be relevant.

Use the correct spelling and the right key words so that when potential buyers use the search option, you can ensure your items will show up. For example, if you’re selling an IPhone, spell it right. You’ll lose out if you spell it as i-fone.

There you have it folks, simple tips to get you on track towards becoming a successful seller on Mudah.my! Want to save time and money?  Get the best deals by comparing credit cards and personal loans for free on CompareHero.my!



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