Do you know how much a pack of cigarettes cost these days? It's at least RM17 per pack.
Do you know how fast a smoker can can finish a pack? Easily within 1-2 days.
If you do the math, that's an easy RM119 per week, or RM510 over the span of 30 days! That is quite a sum of money that could ideally be saved instead - or spent paying off a monthly car instalment.
Think about it: Assume you're paying RM500 monthly for your car and you are a heavy smoker spending RM500 on cigarettes. Putting both costs together would sum it up to RM1000 monthly, on top of your other living expenses (house loans, utilities, and the like).
If you have a net income of only RM2500, you would be down to only RM1500 after paying your car instalment and cigarettes, an amount that would definitely not be sufficient enough for any savings after expenses. Without the cigarettes, however, you can shave off at least RM500 from your monthly expenses - a move that's healthy to both your body and your wallet.
For those preferring to go on holidays and vacations over driving a box of metal on wheels, saving that monthly cigarette cost (RM510) can save you at least RM6,205 in a year. With RM6,205, you can easily travel with another, twice a year, to neighbouring countries (budget sikit lah). You could easily travel more if you're keeping within our borders!
What do you think? If you're a smoker, would you consider such a move? Let us know!
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Sourced from TheStar Online, following news and announcements from the government about the creation of more smoke-free zones from 1st January 2018.