Remember back in the days when we can get almost a full trolley of grocery goods with only RM50? Now with the same amount you can only bring home a bag of goods with probably fewer than 8 items…Well, you’re not alone! Try googling ‘price hike groceries’, you’ll see it's a global problem and there’s only one solution to this - a bigger paycheck! While we try to hustle our way toward bigger paychecks, let's try these 10 tips to save money on groceries.
#1: Only buy what’s on your grocery list
What’s so hard about sticking to your grocery list right…? Yet most of us fail to follow and always end up buying items that are not even on our grocery list. If it's your partner or kids that are always adding impromptu items to your grocery trolley, consider leaving them. #jk we mean leave them at home.
#2: Be part of a grocery store loyalty program

Do you always go to that same grocery store? If you do, make sure to be part of the grocery store loyalty program to enjoy discounts and member deals. Grocery stores such as Aeon normally run special promotions such as members' day, anniversary sales, and a point-based reward system where you can use points to redeem freebies and cashback.
#3: Plan your meal based on what’s on sale
Try to look up online what’s on sale at your grocery store before you create your to-buy list. This tip does not only help you to save money, but it can also solve the global problem of ‘what to eat/ cook’ by narrowing your options. If you can't check before what’s on sale at your grocery store, keep an eye on items displayed in strategic locations of the store such as at the entrance and ends of aisles. Take a few minutes to quickly draft your to-buy list before continuing with your shopping.
#4: Consider buying your groceries online

Fuel, parking, RM0.20 plastic bag, and a short coffee break are all added costs when you shop for groceries at physical stores. Try to shop online to cut down on these costs. Most online grocery stores offer free delivery service to your doorstep. This option will also help to solve the impulsive purchase at the checkout counter which brings us to the next point.
#5: Refrain from buying anything placed near the checkout counter
As an adult, we do have self-control (80% of the time) especially when we see appealing yet unnecessary items on the checkout counter but this is not the case for children. Items on the checkout counter are designed to stand out to children. Read here on marketing tricks at grocery stores to better understand how to avoid falling into these traps.
#6: Buy store brands

Tesco, Aeons, and Giant have their brand and it costs cheaper than known brands. These store brand products are normally placed on the higher or lower shelf to give the ‘best space’-eye level space to more premium products.
#7: Don’t fall for bulk deals

Some people suggest buying goods in bulk because it's cheaper but at CompareHero, we beg to differ. Try checking the price per unit before purchasing the bulk deals. Once you start comparing price per unit and bulk, you’ll notice how some stores purposely raise the price slightly higher when they sell it in bulk. Always compare the prices and #staywoke!
Related: 4 Practical Ways To Afford Groceries In Malaysia
#8: Time to use your credit card benefits

Remember the reason you sign up for credit cards? To utilize the perks and benefits of your card? Time to make full use of it! Certain credit cards like Citi Clear Card and Citi Cash Back Card have ongoing promotions with selected grocery stores. Apply for Citi Credit Card via CompareHero to win exciting gifts here.
#9: Check your receipt
If you’re the type of person who stuffs receipt in your bag or throws it right away, consider checking them moving forward. The cashier is human and tends to make mistakes especially when you shop for your groceries during peak hours. Double-check everything before you leave the store.
#10: Use the discount code on the receipt

Grocery store like Tesco normally provides their customer with discount codes on the bottom of their store receipts. Use them! This is done for an obvious reason, to get you to come back to their store.
We hope these tips can help you to save extra bucks the next time you do your grocery shopping. We’ll be sharing more tips and tricks on how to save money on our social media platform. Follow us NOW!