6 Ways To Give Back To Our Parents On Global Parent’s Day 2020

CompareHero.my Team

CompareHero.my Team

Last updated 11 June, 2020

Global Day of Parents is back again for its annual celebration on June 1 to honour all parents around the world. Learn how these 6 ways can help you give back and repay your parents for the love, kindness and sacrifices they make in conjunction with Parent’s Day 2020 this year.

Our parents are more than just our first teachers or role models. To some of us, they are our everything. 

We are who we are today, largely due to the many lifelong sacrifices and selfless commitments made by our parents. Raising a family is never an easy feat, especially for all the single mothers or fathers out there, who battle endless hardships to single-handedly raise their children. Our parents have showered us with love, food, shelter, money and care when no one else would. 

This Global Parent’s Day (1st June 2020), we want to highlight some of the ways you can give back to your parents. Now that you’ve grown into an independent adult who can care for yourself, it’s time to show appreciation and gratitude towards your parents.

You can give back to your parents in many meaningful ways, and we’ve compiled some of the best below. 

1. Give a portion of your salary to them

Offer to provide financial security to your parents.

Although most parents will never ask directly, or expect their children to give them much, more often than not, it’s the gesture that counts. 

For some parents, they may never share their financial struggles with you even though they are desperately in need of some extra cash from time to time. Their motivation to stay quiet simply runs from their altruistic belief that, as parents, they shouldn’t trouble their own children. *sobs* 

So try to give back via monetary means when possible. Additionally, giving money to your parents will not only leave you feeling happy and satisfied, but it will also help you build financial muscle and resilience. Depending on your values and tradition, it’s also part of Asian culture to practice filial piety. 

Consider transferring a fixed percentage of your paycheck to your parents if you can afford it. How much should you give? Start small like around 5% of your salary, and if it goes up, increase the contribution as well.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, then consider giving whatever amount you can give. At the end of the day, it’s not always the value that matters, but the act of giving back that does. 

Related: How Much Money Should You Give Back To Your Parents?

2. Pick up the cheque sometimes 

With many struggling to make ends meet, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, our parents may be in similar situations, especially those who are retired or close to retirement. 

On top of the virus, the rising cost of living, stagnant wage growth and unemployment issues in the country have also affected many elderly Malaysians who are struggling to reserve funds for their retirement savings

Take this opportunity to give back by bearing any additional bills or living expenses such as electric, phone or water bills, healthcare payments, or groceries. It’s good to pick up the tab on certain things in order to reduce their financial burden. 

Chip in for groceries, especially when your mom, or dad, prepares their favourite dishes. You can even cook it with, or for them, when you come over for visits. 

how-to-give-back-to-your-parents-global-parents-day2Spend quality time with your parents.

In fact, you can earn more on groceries, when you take full advantage of the benefits that come with credit cards such as rewards and cashback. Many banks and e-commerce companies offer huge discounts when you shop for groceries online. 

Also consider shopping online via e-wallets like GrabPay, Touch ‘n Go, and Boost, as these platforms also offer rewards like cashback and cash vouchers when you spend online. 

Also read: Why You Should Have More Than One Credit Card   

3. Visit them more often

Don’t wait for a major holiday to make an appearance. Always visit your parents when you have the time and chance. Don’t miss minor holidays either, and send homemade cards or at least a short wish to your parents if you can’t make it home for important dates.

If you’re on a shoestring budget, you can prepare DIY gifts for your parents for the holidays. Here are 23 swanky DIY gift ideas we found on BuzzFeed. Or you could get some flowers for your mom and buy your dad his favourite meal. 

Try your best to celebrate important events with your parents, whether it be their birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any other significant events. One of the best ways to give back to our parents is through our time, a priceless gift that cannot be bought. 

how-to-give-back-to-your-parents-global-parents-day3Catch up with your parents after a few hard weeks of work.

4. Do household chores for them

It wouldn’t hurt to do some of the household chores when you come over to visit. Volunteer to do dishes and laundry, clean and scrub their toilets and kitchens, or even just vacuum the house. 

Maybe set up a few days in a month as ‘Spring Cleaning day’, where the whole family gets together to clean the house. If you live with your parents, offer to be in charge of some chores on alternate days. 

5. Drive them to their doctor’s appointment

how-to-give-back-to-your-parents-global-parents-day4Be their regular doctor’s-check-up-buddy. 

Take some time off of work to drive and accompany your parents to their doctor’s appointments. As our parents age, it’s good to be there with them through every step of life’s journey, just as how they were there for us when we were younger. 

It’s also vital that you have constant updates on the condition and state of health of your parents. If you can’t commit to attending certain appointments, offer to drive them to and from the hospital at the very least. 

6. Treat them to nice, fun activities

Pamper your parents every once in a while. Bring them out to a nice dinner or lunch when you have the opportunity, or as a way to catch up on life matters. 

Your mother would definitely appreciate spa or beauty dates, while your dad could be open to a good game of golf or maybe some quiet fishing time. Check out great beauty and spa deals at reduced prices on Fave. (Just be sure to take them out for these activities after the pandemic is over.) 

If your parents are homebodies, just spend more time with them at home. You can cook them their favorite foods or bake them their favorite dessert. 

Always keep in touch with your parents

Perhaps the most important thing is to just say hello from time to time. Text, call, e-mail, Facebook message or say it in person. No parent will ever get tired of hearing their child say “Thank you.”

At the end of the day, what matters most to our parents is knowing that they’ve raised their children right, and that they grew to become responsible and contributing members of society. 

how-to-give-back-to-your-parents-global-parents-day5Always tell the ones we love how much they mean to us.

It doesn’t take one special day for us to wish or give back to the special people in our lives. Give back and pay it forward whenever you can, don't wait for special days like Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Parents’ Day, Chinese New Year’s, Hari Raya, etc. to tell and show our loved ones how much they mean to us. Remember, most parents don’t expect anything but a simple “Hello”.


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