MCO 3.0 To Be Enforced In 6 Selangor Districts On May 6 Team Team

Last updated 05 May, 2021


Senior Minister for Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced Tuesday in a televised press conference that the Movement Control Order (MCO), which will be enforced in six Selangor districts starting May 6 until May 17. The six Selangor districts affected are Hulu Langat, Petaling, Gombak, Klang, Kuala Langat, and Sepang.

Interdistrict travel is banned between districts for areas that are under MCO. However, most economic activities are still allowed to run with reduced operating hours. Ramadan bazaars are also still allowed to operate even in MCO districts, with closures at the discretion of the state government.

The Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) or PKPB will continue in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor (Kuala Selangor, Sabak Bernam and Hulu Selangor), Pahang (Raub), Penang, Johor, Sarawak, and Sabah. The areas that are under Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) or PKPP are Kedah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang (except Gali, Tras and Raub), Perak, Perlis, Terengganu, Putrajaya, and Labuan.

Patrons can dine-in with family and friends as it will not be limited to two persons per table, but according to the size of the table and restaurant—as long as there is at least 1m of physical distancing between customers.

Economic activities in CMCO and RMCO states are allowed to operate from 6am until 12am, while the number of passengers per vehicle now depends on the vehicle’s maximum capacity.

Last year, lockdown measures saw the country reduce its COVID-19 cases to single digits in the first half of 2020. The success of ‘flattening the curve” allowed the government to replace the MCO with a Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) which was then followed by a Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), with localised restrictions introduced in certain areas with a spike in cases.

However, the cumulative tally of cases soon quadrupled near the fourth quarter of last year, which the Health Ministry associated with the rising number of cases globally. "This rising trend is what the Health Ministry is worried about as it is definitely in line with the rising number of COVID-19 cases and deaths globally,” Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said in a report.

Like MCO 2.0, MCO 3.0 has allowed economic sectors to continue to run as usual, such as the automotive sector and retailers like gold and jewellery shops.

Related: Starting A Business In Today’s COVID-19 World – Yay Or Nay?

Click here for the full list of SOPs for areas in MCO, CMCO, and RMCO, according to the National Security Council; but we also summarised some of it below.

P.S.: Anyone who violates the MCO rulings will be subjected to a maximum fine of RM1,000 under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342).


  • Inter-district travel is now allowed in all states in Malaysia except for MCO districts.
  • Interstate travel is still banned nationwide.

  • Dine-in at restaurants and F&B outlets are allowed with 1 metre of social distancing and adherence to the SOPs.
  • No restrictions to the number of patrons per table.
  • Permitted businesses can operate daily from 6am-12am. Food delivery is allowed from 6am-12am.
  • All social and businesses are now allowed to operate as long as they adhere to the SOPs. These include businesses that were previously not allowed to operate such as theme parks, spas, massage parlours, reflexology centres, manicure and pedicure centres, cinemas, museums, zoos, tourism activities, and more.
  • All premises in CMCO states can only operate within 50% of their original capacity.
  • Business premises must prepare hand sanitisers, thermometers, and mySejahtera code/registration books. Patrons with temperatures above 37.5 celsius are not allowed to enter premises.
  • Public transportation as well as e-hailing services are allowed to operate.
    Clinics and hospitals are allowed to operate for 24 hours, while pharmacies can operate from 8am - 12am.
  • Formal and informal events including celebrations, social gatherings, banquets, religious ceremonies, face-to-face meetings, are now allowed.
  • Face masks are mandatory in public areas. The exceptions are in your own home, your own workspace, while doing sports or recreational activities (both indoors and outdoors), in your own vehicle with family members, in public spaces with no one else around.
  • High-risk individuals and children are discouraged from heading out to public, open, and crowded places.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2021 SOPs

  • Ramadan bazaars are allowed to operate with adherence to the SOPs.
  • Ramadan Bazaars may open from 3am-2am (April 13 onwards, food and beverages only)
  • Aidilfitri Bazaars may open from 10am- 2am (April 17 onwards, dry goods only).
  • Solat Terawih is allowed at mosques and surau with adherence to the SOPs and capacity limitations set by the authorities.
  • Restaurants, stalls, fast food outlets and food delivery services are allowed to operate until 6am during Ramadan to ease the purchase of sahur meals in the morning. Delivery, takeaway, and dine-in is allowed.
  • Ramadan buffets are allowed to be held for iftar meals, with adherence to the SOPs.
  • Aidilfitri prayers are allowed in all areas except the EMCO areas.
  • Social activities such as open houses and big gatherings are not allowed in areas under MCO.
  • House visitations in MCO areas are only allowed on the first day of Hari Raya (May 13) with a maximum of 15 guests.
  • House visitations in CMCO and RMCO areas are allowed for the first 3 days (May 13 until May 15), with no more than 20 and 25 guests respectively.
  • Cemetery visitations are allowed in CMCO and RMCO areas with not more than 6 pax per lot.
  • Click here for the full list of SOPs for MCO, CMCO and RMCO areas.

7 Types Of Shocking COVID-19 Scams All Malaysians Need To Be Aware Of

With the lifting of the MCO and with inter-district travel now allowed, expect to see road closures around the Klang Valley loosen.

Disclaimer:  This is a list of road closures we found based on referencing sites such as the KL Foodie, Klook, and Carsome. There may be changes and additions to this list of roadblock and road closure locations from time to time. 

By the way, before you head out, prepare the necessary documents to ensure you can arrive at your destination on time without any hassle.

MCO travel permit

CMCO travel permit

Related: 15 Most Expensive Traffic Offences in Malaysia

Though we will soon be able to roam freely within our own district and state (inter-state travel is still now allowed), these are still indeed trying times—the pandemic has affected the livelihood of thousands across the country, some have lost their jobs, others face unpaid leave and pay cuts.

When hope is running low, it is important to reach out to loved ones like family and friends for support and care. If you are looking out for professional help, check out this piece we did on affordable mental health services in the Klang Valley for a better sense of the different services and price points available in the Klang Valley.

Related: A Complete Guide To Employment Insurance System (EIS) Benefits In Malaysia

To help our readers navigate these difficult times, we came up with a quick guide on how to survive the pandemic. Here are some protective measures you and your family can practise to stay safe.

We hope this helps - here’s our MCO Survival Kit!

To help our readers navigate these difficult times, we came up with a quick guide on how to survive the lockdown measures. Here are some protective measures you and your family can practise to stay safe.

1. Stock up on the necessities (but don’t panic buy!)

Take a moderate approach when stocking up on essentials like food, toiletries, pharmaceutical products and household maintenance items. We recommend going for food that has a longer shelf-life, is long-lasting, and packed with nutrients.

If you don’t feel like going out for fear of being exposed to the virus, you can also get these items via GrabMart or foodpanda shops.

2. Create a crisis budget

Make full use of budgeting apps like Mint and Goodbudget, when keeping track of your daily, weekly and monthly spending. These apps are able to show what your balance will be once all your bills have been paid.

In these trying times, it’s important now, more than ever, to have an emergency fund in place. P.S. a savings and emergency fund are not the same. You also don’t have to go big right away. Start small like saving RM5 daily - eventually, it will snowball, and you could earn RM150 in a month. Just remember, every Ringgit counts.

3. Use your emergency fund only if necessary

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is to have and prioritise an emergency fund.

If you are one of the unfortunate many that was retrenched or have experienced pay cuts because of the pandemic, you can use your emergency fund as a backup until you finally have some financial stability again.

4. Create a quarantine routine

Feeling stressed, anxious or depressed at work these days? If anything, you could find comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

Though working from home has its perks (doing work in your PJs...), the blurred boundaries between work and home means productivity will take a massive hit and, unfortunately, your health will have to bear the brunt of it.

To avoid feeling like you have an endless task of work, make a list of things to do and be sure to label them according to its priority. A little structure goes a long way.

5. Prioritise paying down high-interest debt

There are three certain things in life - death, taxes and debt. Since all of us have limited funds - unless you are a billionaire with an island somewhere - reality is, you may not be able to service all your debts at once.

If you have been retrenched or are facing a pay cut, our immediate advice is to prioritise the debts with the highest interest rates to avoid the interest snowballing and resulting in more debt.

6. Keep calm – never sell stocks in a panic

Never ever panic sell. It may seem scary to continue channelling your money into the stock market, but you have to remember that you are investing with a specific goal in mind - and you are not trying to beat the market.

Remember to stick to your goals, objectives and time horizon. Don’t sell out of fear because the market will eventually bounce back.

We hope you found this read helpful. Stay safe and stay at home!

Related: A Complete Guide To Employment Insurance System (EIS) Benefits In Malaysia


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