Deputy Health Minister: Do not bring kids to Ramadan bazaars

Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee

Last updated 04 April, 2022

Today (April 4), Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali warned parents of Malaysia against bringing their children to Ramadan bazaars to avoid exposing them to Covid-19.

Although the country has begun transitioning into the endemic phase, it is still not advisable for little ones to go to crowded places, especially if they’re not fully vaccinated, says the Deputy Health Minister. 

“On the first day of Ramadan, we can see that many people visited Ramadan bazaars in Bagai Serai by bringing along their children, especially the young ones.

“It is advisable not to bring children to such places as we do not want to observe Ramadan in a somber mood or at hospitals,” he told reporters at the Bagan Serai Ramadan Bazaar here on Sunday (April 3).

He also referred to the latest data and stated that only 38% of children in the country have been vaccinated against Covid-19, while 91.7% of adolescents in Malaysia have been fully vaccinated.

“This shows that the vaccination rate among children is still low and we hope parents will bring their children to get vaccinated as soon as possible,” he said.

With creative wit and an immense passion for writing in her back pocket, Rachel Lee creates impactful content about finance, lifestyle, and more.


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