8 YouTube Channels You Should Follow For Easy Home Workouts

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Mikaela Anthonysamy

Last updated 09 September, 2021

The government recently announced that gyms will soon be allowed to operate, and this is good news for all you fitness buffs! However, some may still want to do their workouts in the safety of their own home,

Fortunately, there are so many ways you can break a good sweat right from where you are, without also having to pay a single cent!

Exercise is one of the best ways to destress, so here are some YouTube channels you can follow to work out in your home.

1. Katarzyna Pilecka Zumba

You don’t have to guess what this channel does since it’s already mentioned in their name: zumba. They have over 265,000 subscribers, and while they haven’t been active for a while, they have lots of 3 to 4-minute videos you can watch.

If you’re someone who likes to have fun while working out or you don’t enjoy conventional exercise, you will love this!

You can subscribe to Katarzyna’s channel here.

Type of exercise: Zumba 

2. Kait Coats

Kait teaches Pilates on her channel that currently has over 8,000 subscribers. If you didn’t already know, Pilates is a low-impact exercise that helps you strengthen muscles. At the same time, you get to improve your posture. If you don’t like intense workouts, you would probably enjoy Pilates.

While most of Kait’s videos are on Pilates, occasionally, she also puts up videos on yoga and Barre exercises.

Subscribe to Kait’s channel here

Type of exercise: Pilates, occasionally yoga & Barre

3. Yoga with Adriene

While doing our research on yoga instructors, this particular channel cropped up the most. And it’s no surprise that Adriene appears to be a favourite, as she currently has 10.2 million subscribers on her channel.

Adriene even has yoga videos for different moods and emotions, and each video rakes in anywhere between 1-2 million views, sometimes more.

Watch Adriene’s yoga videos here.

Type of exercise: Yoga

4. Jordan Yeoh Fitness

Don’t worry, guys. We didn’t forget you! Meet Jordan, a certified personal trainer right from our own country! Jordan has amassed over 3.37 million subscribers and has been putting out fitness related videos for the last 7 years.

On this channel, you’ll find workout videos for abs, bodybuilding, fat burning, and so on.

Subscribe to Jordan’s channel here

Type of exercise: Bodybuilding, full-body workouts

5. Lucy Wyndham-Read

Lucy has over 1,000 workout videos and interestingly, all of her work videos are tailored to be done at home...way before the pandemic started.

Her videos are about 10-15 minutes long, and they usually involve exercising through very simple tasks such as just walking in one spot. Many of the videos are also on toning exercises you can do for different parts of your body.

Work out with Lucy here.

Type of exercise: Walking & toning exercises

6. Reps to the Rhythm

Speaking of walking exercise, another person who teaches really fun and simple workouts is Keoni Tamayo.

On his channel Reps to the Rhythm, Keoni tells you how you can walk 1,000 steps in 8 minutes, 1,500 steps in 12 minutes, and so on. He sometimes features his parents in his videos, who workout together with him.

Subscribe to Keoni’s channel here.

Type of exercise: Walking & high-calorie burning exercises

7. Joanna Soh Official

Joanna Soh is a well-known personality and she’s said to be the first Malaysian woman to receive the YouTube Gold Play Button Award.

Her videos are centered around strength-training, and she shows you various ways you can improve your body’s strength. She also has food recipes and tips on her channel.

You can subscribe to Joanna’s channel here.

Type of exercise: Strength-training & food tips

8. Powered To Move

This channel isn’t only just a workout video, but it actually is catered towards those who are differently abled or have limited mobility. On this channel, you’ll find other guides such as how to fix a wheelchair, but there are also quite a few workout videos.

Senior citizens who have trouble moving around much can also enjoy these videos, as they can be done seated.

Follow Powered to Move’s channel here:

Type of exercise: For differently abled people/those with limited mobility

We hope you enjoy these workout channels on YouTube! And speaking of YouTube, here are some fun channels you can follow to learn more about personal finance.

6 Malaysian Personal Finance YouTube Channels You Should Subscribe To

Lawyer-turned-writer, Mikaela demonstrates the sharp legal acumen to analyse topics and draw out the most valuable insights.


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